Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Celebrating the NHS's 75th Birthday

We had a wonderful day celebrating the NHS's 75th birthday last Wednesday with our stand in Chapel Street with Southport and Formby Primary Care Network!
We were joined by our partners, Southport Macmillan Information and Support Centre and Brighter Living Partnership. The amazing Macmillan singing group performed throughout our event.
Morrisons, Southport donated all the delicious cakes and doughnuts.
Thank you to everybody that stopped by at our stand to find out more about us and that donated money to the Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals Charity.
Together we raised an amazing £234.52 in just a few hours!
Here is a short video with some of our favourite photos from the day:
Everybody had lots of fun on the Brighter Living Partnership's smoothie bike!